Orion rises above Aoraki Mt. Cook, 2024


I took this image during my recent family campervan trip to New Zealand on 8th February 2024 on Aoraki Mt. Cook, South New Zealand. It was midnight, and the night sky cleared so quickly I grabbed my star tracker and put my fastest wide lens available with me on my Nikon astro-camera and shot 8 exposures for the night sky and a single one for the mountain with the tracker off. Various nebulae can be easily seen in this astrophoto. Processed with PixInsight and Photoshop. No AI enabled software was used, just traditional methods of calibrating the light frames, aligning them and stacking them using PixInsight. Photoshop was used for colour balance and combining the two frames, the night sky and the mountain. It was a phenomenal night, and it lasted until 2AM where clouds hide the majestic Southern night sky from me and my camera. While astroimaging, I was hearing all night distant avalanches! A night to remember for all my life from a unique and breath-taking place in our planet.

Tech Card

Date / Location

8th February 2024, Aoraki Mount Cook, New Zealand, Bortle Class 1 ~SGM: 22.00 mag./arc sec2


Camera: Nikon D810A

Lens: Sigma Art 40mm f/1.4

Mount: Skywatcher Star Adventurer

Image Quality

14 bit RAW (NEF)

Exposure time per image / number of composites and sensitivity

8 x 90s with tracker on (Sky), 1 x 90s (Mountain) with tracker off, both ISO 1600 F/1.4

Total Integration Time

12 mins (Sky)


PixInsight 1.8 Core



Deep Sky photographs


Starscape photographs


Solar system photographs


Various astronomical events photographs