Orion Nebula, Ha LRGB, 2023


This is our most precious Northern Sky jewel as I photographed it from my garden. It's a HA-LRGB image using my Takahashi FSQ-85 EDP and two cameras, a Nikon D180A for the broadband image and a ZWO ASI 1600 with an Astrodon 5nm Hydrogen-alpha filter mounted on a Takahashi EM-400 2M. The broadband data was captured in two early March nights in 2022 using my astro DSLR, Nikon D810A and the hydrogen-alpha data was captured on November 2023.

Tech Card

Date / Location

27th February, 4th & 6th March 2022, Warwickshire, GMT+0, United Kingdom, Bortle Class 4 ~SGM: 21.26 mag./arc sec2


Cameras: Nikon D810A, ZWO ASI 1600MM PRO

Filter: Astrodon HA 5nm 1.25 inches

Imaging Telescope: Takahashi FSQ-85ED

Correcting Lens: Takahashi Flattener 1.01x (composite focal length at 455mm and focal ratio at f/5.4)

Mounts: iOptron CEM25EC guided with Lacerta MGEN-II Superguider, Takahashi EM-400 Temma 2M guided with a Takahashi GT-40 guide scope and ZWO ASI 120MM mini guide camera

Image Quality

14 bit RAW (NEF)

Exposure time per image / number of composites and sensitivity

ISO 800, 14 x 75" subs

ISO 2000, 5 x 120" subs

ISO 1250, 5 x 180" subs

ISO 1600, 1 x 180" subs

4 x 600s HA (200G 50B, BIN1, -20C)

Total Integration Time

1 hour 21.5 mins

Calibration Frames

16 Darks, 48 Bias, 24 Flats

16 Darks, 24 Flats for the Hydrogen-Alpha


PixInsight 1.8




Deep Sky photographs


Starscape photographs


Solar system photographs


Various astronomical events photographs