The magnificent star cluster Pleiades, also known as The Seven Ancient Greek Sisters and Subaru in Japan, is a collection of young and bright stars that currently pass through interstellar cosmic dust. It will take them several tens of thousands of years to move past this dust.
29th November 2019, Oxfordshire, GMT+0, United Kingdom, TEMP: -2C, Bortle Class 4 ~SGM: 21.29 mag./arc sec2
Camera: Nikon D810A
Imaging Telescope: Takahashi FSQ-85ED
Correcting Lens: Takahashi Flattener 1.01x (composite focal length at 455mm and focal ratio at f/5.4)
Mount: iOptron CEM25EC
14 bit RAW (NEF)
ISO 2000, 8 x 240" subs
12 Darks, 20 Bias, 20 Flats
PixInsight 1.8 Core